Reviewing Political Issue in Indonesia

Indonesia's poll body fights back
·         Marguerite Afra Sapiie
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   /   Wed, June 19, 2019   /   08:29 am

Little Avengers: Activists wearing costumes of Avengers superheroes and Gatotkaca, a character from Javanese folklore, pose for a photo with posters calling for peace near the Constitutional Court on Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta on Tuesday to demonstrate against riots. The rally participants, who are members of Koalisi Indonesia Rukun (Harmonious Indonesia Coalition), made the decision to gather after the May 21-22 postelection riots. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

The legal battle over the presidential election result is continuing at the Constitutional Court, with the General Elections Commission (KPU) and incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo rebutting all allegations of electoral fraud filed by challenger Prabowo Subianto.
Tuesday saw lawyers representing the two parties taking turns to point out that Prabowo and running mate Sandiaga Uno —  the plaintiffs in the case — had failed to present strong arguments and evidence to back up their claim that there had been “structured, systematic and massive fraud” to rig the election in Jokowi’s favor.
By the court’s definition, such electoral fraud was defined as a carefully planned violation that structurally involved officials and election organizers, said Ali Nurdin, a lawyer representing the KPU in the case.
Ali said Prabowo’s legal team — which largely cited news reports as the basis of its arguments in the lawsuit — had failed to elaborate on how the KPU was involved in the alleged election-rigging attempts and how far the allegations were correlated to the vote tally secured by each presidential candidate, he said.
The camp had also failed to mention the relationship between the alleged fraud and how it had affected voters as they exercised their right to vote for their preferred presidential candidate, or how it had tarnished the quality of the election, Ali said.
“The plaintiff’s argument [of electoral fraud] did not have any impact on the vote tallies gained by the presidential candidate pairs,” Ali told the nine-panel bench.
The KPU declared Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin ticket as the winner in the April presidential race, securing 85 million votes (55.5 percent) against Prabowo and Sandiaga, who garnered 68 million votes (44.5 percent).
In the first hearing of the case last week, the chief of Prabowo’s legal team, Bambang Widjojanto, said the official election result had been rigged by an incorrect final voters list (DPT) — identified as 17.5 million problematic voters — and an additional 5.7 million voters in the special voters list (DPK).
The plaintiffs claimed that based on the C1 vote tally forms the Prabowo camp has gathered, Jokowi and Ma’ruf should have only secured about 63 million votes. The Prabowo camp accused the KPU of inflating the incumbent’s tally with about 22 million votes.
In the revised petition, which was read out during the first hearing, the plaintiff attached a table comparing the camp’s own tally data to the KPU’s vote count in each province and concluded that Prabowo and Sandiaga should have garnered 52 percent of the vote.
Ali said that the KPU had settled the problematic DPT prior to the April 17 election and had even carried out coordination at least seven times with members of the Prabowo ticket, who had previously reported the problems in the DPT to the commission.  
Factual verifications and sampling had been carried out in coordination with demographic and statistic experts to ensure that all voters had been indeed eligible to take part in the election, he said.
Regarding the accusation that the KPU had manipulated the DPK, Ali said it was simply false because Prabowo’s camp had not been able to “elaborate on the details of the locations of polling stations” where the 5.7 million voters in the DPK had cast their votes.
Believing that the election was rigged, the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp demanded a revote in at least 12 provinces, including Central Java, East Java and Jakarta — key provinces secured by the incumbent.
The camp also alleged Jokowi misused the state bureaucracy and state-owned enterprises and involved state apparatuses in the election, while accusing the incumbent of “vote buying” by using state money to fund his administration’s programs and influence citizens to vote for him.
I Wayan Sudirta, one of the lawyers on Jokowi’s campaign team — which became the related party in the case — called the allegations of the involvement of state apparatuses, including police and intelligence officials, in rallying for the incumbent “assumptive” and “tendentious” because they were baseless.
Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) chairman Abhan said that his office had also never found or received reports regarding the matter.
Luhut Pangaribuan, another of Jokowi’s lawyers, said that the Prabowo camp had failed to provide further explanations about how the government’s programs could influence voter preferences, adding that the accusations were “exaggerated”.
“The plaintiff also did not explain the reason why, where and on which level [of polling stations] the [Jokowi-Ma’ruf] vote tally was reduced in its own version of the count,” he added.
Both the KPU and Jokowi’s legal team also rejected the revised petition read out by Bambang during Friday’s first hearing on the grounds that the latest version, which included new arguments and new urls to news articles, was a new version of the petition rather than a revision of the original document filed by the Prabowo team on May 24.
Justice Suhartoyo, however, said in the first hearing that whether the court would consider the revised petition would be decided during the justices’ meeting and would only be revealed publicly during the ruling announcement scheduled for June 28.
On Wednesday, the court is to continue the hearing with witnesses and experts presented by the Prabowo camp.

The Analysis of The Quality of The News :
1.              Balance
Balance in journalism is considered one of the most important characteristics of any news piece. Balance means a lack of bias, and is the ethical imperative of a journalist to transmit the news in an impartial manner. This means that a reporter should, whenever possible, demonstrate the opposing viewpoints at play in a story dynamic; it is important to note that there are often more than two sides to any story.
Let’s prove it! The question is “Is it balance or not?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because The Jakarta Post has already interviewed Ali, Bambang, Abhan, Luhut and Suhartoyo that they truly give some facts and of course they are relatable.
Ø  According to a statement received by The Jakarta Post, They give several statements :
·         Ali said Prabowo’s legal team — which largely cited news reports as the basis of its arguments in the lawsuit — had failed to elaborate on how the KPU was involved in the alleged election-rigging attempts and how far the allegations were correlated to the vote tally secured by each presidential candidate, he said.
·         “The plaintiff’s argument [of electoral fraud] did not have any impact on the vote tallies gained by the presidential candidate pairs,” Ali told the nine-panel bench.
·         The chief of Prabowo’s legal team, Bambang Widjojanto, said the official election result had been rigged by an incorrect final voters list (DPT) — identified as 17.5 million problematic voters — and an additional 5.7 million voters in the special voters list (DPK).
·         Ali said that the KPU had settled the problematic DPT prior to the April 17 election and had even carried out coordination at least seven times with members of the Prabowo ticket, who had previously reported the problems in the DPT to the commission. 
·         Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) chairman Abhan said that his office had also never found or received reports regarding the matter.
·         Luhut Pangaribuan, another of Jokowi’s lawyers, said that the Prabowo camp had failed to provide further explanations about how the government’s programs could influence voter preferences, adding that the accusations were “exaggerated”.
·         Justice Suhartoyo, however, said in the first hearing that whether the court would consider the revised petition would be decided during the justices’ meeting and would only be revealed publicly during the ruling announcement scheduled for June 28.
Ø  Moreover, On Wednesday, the court is to continue the hearing with witnesses and experts presented by the Prabowo camp.

2.              Objective
Objectivity in journalism aims to help the audience make up their own mind about a story, providing the facts alone and then letting audiences interpret those on their own. To maintain objectivity in journalism, journalists should present the facts whether or not they like or agree with those facts.
Let’s discuss it! The question is “is it objective or not?” The answer is yes, it is. Why? Because there are a lot of facts that are given.
For example :
1.      Tuesday saw lawyers representing the two parties taking turns to point out that Prabowo and running mate Sandiaga Uno —  the plaintiffs in the case — had failed to present strong arguments and evidence to back up their claim that there had been “structured, systematic and massive fraud” to rig the election in Jokowi’s favor.
2.      The plaintiffs claimed that based on the C1 vote tally forms the Prabowo camp has gathered, Jokowi and Ma’ruf should have only secured about 63 million votes. The Prabowo camp accused the KPU of inflating the incumbent’s tally with about 22 million votes.
3.      On Wednesday, the court is to continue the hearing with witnesses and experts presented by the Prabowo camp.

3.              Current
Time is the essence of the news. Emphasis is on the time element of news story, this is necessary because of the changes which may occur in the transitory period. Things are always changing and the news consumers want the most recent information on subjects of concerns or interest to them.
Let’s see! The question is “Is the news current? Or Is it new?” The answer is definitely yes, it is.
Indonesia's poll body fights back
Marguerite Afra Sapiie
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   /   Wed, June 19, 2019   /   08:29 am

4.              Conscise and clear
News must follow the news form developed over a period of many years. It must be unite, concise, clear, and simple. It should be well-paced, unified, and abuse all written so clearly that the meaning of the story is also absolutely plain.
The question is “is it concise and clear or not?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because it doesn’t have ambiguous meaning and it is organized well.
5.              Accurate
A media organisation will be judged on the accuracy and reliability of its journalism, which must be well-sourced, supported by strong evidence, examined and tested, clear and unambiguous. Verified facts must form the basis of all news, not rumour and speculation.
The question is “is it accurate? Or is it a trusted news?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because based on the facts that are given, not just several opinions, and strong evidences, it proves that it is a well-sourced news.
  1. Evaluating News of Significance
a.      Influence on consumers’ lives
The events and information are of primary importance to a large proportion of the people that his medium reaches.
It is proven by :
“Regarding the accusation that the KPU had manipulated the DPK, Ali said it was simply false because Prabowo’s camp had not been able to “elaborate on the details of the locations of polling stations” where the 5.7 million voters in the DPK had cast their votes.”
b.      Proximity
The relevance of geography to news significance must be considered in evaluating election news.
It is proven by :
“Little Avengers: Activists wearing costumes of Avengers superheroes and Gatotkaca, a character from Javanese folklore, pose for a photo with posters calling for peace near the Constitutional Court on Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta on Tuesday to demonstrate against riots. The rally participants, who are members of Koalisi Indonesia Rukun (Harmonious Indonesia Coalition), made the decision to gather after the May 21-22 postelection riots.”
c.       Radius of an event’s influence
The distance between the news audience and the news event influences news selection in many ways.
It is proven by :
(No one)
d.      Proportion people
The relative significance of news may be determined by the proportion of people in community whose lives are affected by the news event.
It is proven by :
“The KPU declared Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin ticket as the winner in the April presidential race, securing 85 million votes (55.5 percent) against Prabowo and Sandiaga, who garnered 68 million votes (44.5 percent).”
e.       Community’s size and composition
The size of community and the degree of competition for news attention also effect news selection.
It is proven by :
“The KPU declared Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin ticket as the winner in the April presidential race, securing 85 million votes (55.5 percent) against Prabowo and Sandiaga, who garnered 68 million votes (44.5 percent).”
  1. Evaluating of Interest
a.      The purpose of news
The purpose of the news is to give some informations related to Indonesia's poll body fights back.
b.      Groupings of news
a)      Hard news
Up-to-the-minute news and event that require immediate reporting.
Example: news about politic, economic, war, crime, business.
b)     Soft news
News that is considered background information or human interest.
Example: news about lifestyle, art, and entertainment.
§  So, this news is included into Hard News because it is pointed by Politics.
c.       Understanding response to human-interest stories
a)      Immediate Rewards : A news that gives the recipient an instant impulse-as soon as he perceives the news. (laugh, or feels a jolt of sympathy, or tingles with excitement).
Example: news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports and recreation, social events.
b)      Delayed Rewards : A news that does not affect the consumer instantly, its full impact comes at a later time.
Example: news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health.
§  So, this news included into Delayed Rewards because it is news of public affairs.
  1. News Interest and Time Element
a.      Timeliness
A story is timely if it is appropriate to the audience at the time when it is printed, whether the events it reports are current or not.
b.      Seasonableness
Seasonable stories are those which could be used appropriately at the same time of any year. They may be tied to a natural season or to a date that has traditional customs.
  1. Originality
a.      Accurate
Is it accurate? Yes, it is.
b.      Original
Is it original? Yes, it is.
c.       True
Is it true? Yes, it is.
  1. The Responsibility for News Decisions
a.       How important it is? It is very important to be read because it gives some factual informations.
b.      Is it useful? Yes, it is.
c.       Is it a factual news? Yes, it is.

The Analysis of Investigative Reporting News :
1.      Investigative reporting is one of the hardest jobs of a reporter. It demands a lot of time and effort. At the same time it is exciting, interesting and rewarding. 
Indonesia's poll body fights back
Marguerite Afra Sapiie
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   /   Wed, June 19, 2019   /   08:29 am

As we know that June 19, 2019 was the date when the political riots happened. So, this news takes time a lot to collect the data and information carefully which must be relevant.
2.      The story must speak about something that is interesting for the readers, viewers or listeners; it must be about something that concerns them and their everyday life.
In the first hearing of the case last week, the chief of Prabowo’s legal team, Bambang Widjojanto, said the official election result had been rigged by an incorrect final voters list (DPT) — identified as 17.5 million problematic voters — and an additional 5.7 million voters in the special voters list (DPK).
On the other hand, Both the KPU and Jokowi’s legal team also rejected the revised petition read out by Bambang during Friday’s first hearing on the grounds that the latest version, which included new arguments and new urls to news articles, was a new version of the petition rather than a revision of the original document filed by the Prabowo team on May 24.
Because of the serious riots, it will give bad impact for NKRI so that this news is very important to be reported.
3.      Investigative reporting is nothing else but exposing something that certain persons, companies or government agencies do not want the public to know. 
Justice Suhartoyo, however, said in the first hearing that whether the court would consider the revised petition would be decided during the justices’ meeting and would only be revealed publicly during the ruling announcement scheduled for June 28.
On Wednesday, the court is to continue the hearing with witnesses and experts presented by the Prabowo camp.
Although the serious riots happened, the journalists are brave to report that fact that the crime actually really happened without any hesitation.

Temmy Valentina Pahalani
English Education
Journalism 107


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