Reviewing Criminal Case in Philipines

Philippines' Duterte threatens to jail critics in China row
News Desk
Agence France-Presse
Manila, Philippines   /   Fri, June 28, 2019   /   05:05 pm

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte delivers his State of the Nation address at the House of Representatives in Quezon city, Metro Manila, Philippines July 23, 2018. (Reuters/Czar Dancel)
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to jail critics if they try to impeach him, as he faces accusations of defending Beijing after a boat crash in the disputed South China Sea.
Duterte enjoys firm popular backing but his setting aside of the standoff with China over the resource-rich waterway is criticized as weakness by some in the Philippines.
The issue has flared up since a Chinese fishing trawler hit and sank a Filipino boat on June 9 near Reed Bank, an area that is within Manila's territory but which is also claimed by Beijing.
After a string of small street protests, as well as criticism from opposition politicians and former officials, Duterte lashed out while talking to reporters late Thursday.
"Impeach me? I will arrest all of them. I dare you to do it," Duterte said.
"I tell these stupid people, I said I deal with reality," he added.
Critics had raised the spectre of impeachment after Duterte, responding to the sinking controversy, said he allowed Chinese fishermen in Philippine waters because "we're friends".
Opposition politicians allege that violates a provision of the Philippine constitution mandating the government to protect its marine wealth, including its exclusive economic zone, "and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citizens."
Duterte enjoys sky-high public popularity in the Philippines despite international disapproval of key policy measures, like his narcotics crackdown that has killed thousands.
His allies will hold the majority in the upcoming session of the legislature, which would be the authority in impeachment proceedings against any Philippine official.
However, segments of the public and press question whether Duterte's pivot toward China has brought too little in hoped-for investment and infringed too much on the nation's sovereignty.
China claims most of the waterway, through which billions in trade passes annually, and has rejected a 2016 international tribunal ruling that its claim was without basis in law.
A 1982 United Nations treaty on the law of the sea gives coastal states like the Philippines jurisdiction in exploring and exploiting marine resources over their exclusive economic zone, including waters extending 322 kilometres (200 miles) from the shore.
Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.
Duterte has tried to downplay the case, calling it an "accident" and accepting Beijing's offer to conduct a joint investigation.
I.            The Analysis of The Quality of The News :
1.              Balance
Balance in journalism is considered one of the most important characteristics of any news piece. Balance means a lack of bias, and is the ethical imperative of a journalist to transmit the news in an impartial manner. This means that a reporter should, whenever possible, demonstrate the opposing viewpoints at play in a story dynamic; it is important to note that there are often more than two sides to any story.
Let’s prove it! The question is “Is it balance or not?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because The Jakarta Post has already interviewed Duterte that he truly gives some facts and of course they are relatable.
Ø  According to a statement received by The Jakarta Post, Duterte gives two statements :
"Impeach me? I will arrest all of them. I dare you to do it," Duterte said.
"I tell these stupid people, I said I deal with reality," he added.
Ø  Moreover, Critics had raised the spectre of impeachment after Duterte, responding to the sinking controversy, said he allowed Chinese fishermen in Philippine waters because "we're friends".

2.              Objective
Objectivity in journalism aims to help the audience make up their own mind about a story, providing the facts alone and then letting audiences interpret those on their own. To maintain objectivity in journalism, journalists should present the facts whether or not they like or agree with those facts.
Let’s discuss it! The question is “is it objective or not?” The answer is yes, it is. Why? Because there are a lot of facts that are given.
For example :
1.      China claims most of the waterway, through which billions in trade passes annually, and has rejected a 2016 international tribunal ruling that its claim was without basis in law.
2.      A 1982 United Nations treaty on the law of the sea gives coastal states like the Philippines jurisdiction in exploring and exploiting marine resources over their exclusive economic zone, including waters extending 322 kilometres (200 miles) from the shore.
3.      Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.

3.              Current
Time is the essence of the news. Emphasis is on the time element of news story, this is necessary because of the changes which may occur in the transitory period. Things are always changing and the news consumers want the most recent information on subjects of concerns or interest to them.
Let’s see! The question is “Is the news current? Or Is it new?” The answer is definitely yes, it is.
Philippines' Duterte threatens to jail critics in China row
  • News Desk
Agence France-Presse
Manila, Philippines   /   Fri, June 28, 2019   /   05:05 pm

4.              Conscise and clear
News must follow the news form developed over a period of many years. It must be unite, concise, clear, and simple. It should be well-paced, unified, and abuse all written so clearly that the meaning of the story is also absolutely plain.
The question is “is it concise and clear or not?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because it doesn’t have ambiguous meaning and it is organized well.
5.              Accurate
A media organisation will be judged on the accuracy and reliability of its journalism, which must be well-sourced, supported by strong evidence, examined and tested, clear and unambiguous. Verified facts must form the basis of all news, not rumour and speculation.
The question is “is it accurate? Or is it a trusted news?”. The answer is yes, it is. Because based on the facts that are given, not just several opinions, and strong evidences, it proves that it is a well-sourced news.
  1. Evaluating News of Significance
a.      Influence on consumers’ lives
The events and information are of primary importance to a large proportion of the people that his medium reaches.
It is proven by :
Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.”
b.      Proximity
The relevance of geography to news significance must be considered in evaluating election news.
It is proven by :
“A 1982 United Nations treaty on the law of the sea gives coastal states like the Philippines jurisdiction in exploring and exploiting marine resources over their exclusive economic zone, including waters extending 322 kilometres (200 miles) from the shore.”
c.       Radius of an event’s influence
The distance between the news audience and the news event influences news selection in many ways.
It is proven by :
“A 1982 United Nations treaty on the law of the sea gives coastal states like the Philippines jurisdiction in exploring and exploiting marine resources over their exclusive economic zone, including waters extending 322 kilometres (200 miles) from the shore.”
d.      Proportion people
The relative significance of news may be determined by the proportion of people in community whose lives are affected by the news event.
It is proven by :
Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.”
e.       Community’s size and composition
The size of community and the degree of competition for news attention also effect news selection.
It is proven by :
“Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.”

  1. Evaluating of Interest
a.      The purpose of news
The purpose of the news is to give some informations related to Philippines' Duterte threatens to jail critics in China row.
b.      Groupings of news
a)      Hard news
Up-to-the-minute news and event that require immediate reporting.
Example: news about politic, economic, war, crime, business.
b)     Soft news
News that is considered background information or human interest.
Example: news about lifestyle, art, and entertainment.
§  So, this news is included into Hard News because it is pointed by crime.
c.       Understanding response to human-interest stories
a)      Immediate Rewards : A news that gives the recipient an instant impulse-as soon as he perceives the news. (laugh, or feels a jolt of sympathy, or tingles with excitement).
Example: news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports and recreation, social events.
b)      Delayed Rewards : A news that does not affect the consumer instantly, its full impact comes at a later time.
Example: news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health.
§  So, this news included into Delayed Rewards because it is news of public affairs.
3.      News Interest and Time Element
a.      Timeliness
A story is timely if it is appropriate to the audience at the time when it is printed, whether the events it reports are current or not.
b.      Seasonableness
Seasonable stories are those which could be used appropriately at the same time of any year. They may be tied to a natural season or to a date that has traditional customs.
4.      Originality
a.      Accurate
Is it accurate? Yes, it is.
b.      Original
Is it original? Yes, it is.
c.       True
Is it true? Yes, it is.
5.      The Responsibility for News Decisions
a.      How important it is? It is very important to be read because it gives some factual informations.
b.      Is it useful? Yes, it is.
c.       Is it a factual news? Yes, it is.

III.            The Analysis of The Lead of The News :
1.      Lead is an introduction of the news.
What is the lead of this news?
“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to jail critics if they try to impeach him, as he faces accusations of defending Beijing after a boat crash in the disputed South China Sea.”
2.      There are two types of the lead of news :
1.      Direct Lead : Timely stories about events  that have just happened or  are about to happen.
2.      Delayed Lead : News that entertains or  informs with an emphasis on  human interest and novelty  and less so on immediacy.
Ø  This news is included to Direct Lead.
IV.            The Analysis of Investigative Reporting News :
1.      Investigative reporting is one of the hardest jobs of a reporter. It demands a lot of time and effort. At the same time it is exciting, interesting and rewarding. 
Philippines' Duterte threatens to jail critics in China row
News Desk
Agence France-Presse
Manila, Philippines   /   Fri, June 28, 2019   /   05:05 pm

As we know that June 28, 2019 was the date when the crime of critics happened. So, this news takes time a lot to collect the data and information carefully which must be relevant.
2.      The story must speak about something that is interesting for the readers, viewers or listeners; it must be about something that concerns them and their everyday life.
Twenty-two Filipino fishermen were rescued by Vietnamese fishermen hours after the June 9 collision, in which Manila initially alleged the Chinese vessel left Filipinos dead after their boat sank.
Duterte has tried to downplay the case, calling it an "accident" and accepting Beijing's offer to conduct a joint investigation.
Because of the serious crime, it will give bad impact among several states so that this news is very important to be reported.
3.      Investigative reporting is nothing else but exposing something that certain persons, companies or government agencies do not want the public to know. 
Duterte has tried to downplay the case, calling it an "accident" and accepting Beijing's offer to conduct a joint investigation.
Although the serious crime happened, the journalists are brave to report that fact that the crime actually really happened without any hesitation.

Temmy Valentina Pahalani
English Education
Journalism 107 


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