The problems of law system in Indonesia are caused various things which are started from judicature system, sets of law, and dominance intervention. The factors of law problems which are often to be ‘culture’ in our country are law cases which there are some political intervention, law rules which more side interest of a ruler [officeholder] than interest of citizenry, the lowness of moral integrity,  the lowness of credibility, professionalism, awareness of apparatus of law upholder on law maintenance, and immatureness of doing politics. Therefore, law system in Indonesia needs to be revised.

Firstly, coordination of maintenance of law system in judicature one which there are investigating officer, prosecutor, jurisdiction, and organization of society. Especially eradication of corruption cases. For example, many corruptors who have struck guilty verdict on jurisdiction, on the other hand they aren’t in prison because of failure of prosecutor doing execution. The consequences of that, the corruptors don’t have any chance to do the punishment as a risk that must be burdened, however, this country is failure on maximazing the rescue of financial government.

Secondly, arrangement of bureaucracy and administration of institute of law upholder.
Thirdly, the substance of law system must be revised on various sets of law rules to support law maintenance in Indonesia. For example, law rules on criminal of judicature system in Indonesia like KUHP and KUHAP, the revision process which is working on this period must be finished.
Fourthly, the development of culture law. It means that when leaders and apparatus of law upholder have obedient behaviour, so they will be paragon for citizenry.
Fifthly, maintenance of judicature system and correction of work quality of judicature one with a purpose to create a bigger modernity into law maintenance or law enforcement which is progressive. MA holds an very important role which is they have authority to push the jurisdiction and judges in Indonesia to form the justice that is progressive. Based on that relevancy, MA needs to encourage judges which are brave to shape the justice which is progressive with the way to prove that the jurisdiction in Indonesia isn’t a play to look for victory, but to look for the truth and justice. For example, the case of Mr. Ahok [Basuki Tjahaja Purnama]. The unfair comparison between the case of Mr. Ahok which has a little of mistake on conversation context about region with a burner of vihara who actually must get heavier punishment. Verdict’s law for Mr. Ahok is two years, on the other hand a burner of vihara gets two months only. What is a justice? Is it only a definition? How’s about the realization of a justice? Where is the fifth principle of Pancasila and how’s about the realization again? After hearing verdict’s law for Mr. Ahok, the worldwide has been boisterous. The citizen of our country and also from overseas start to distrust law system in Indonesia until burning candles tragedy and a million prayers for Mr. Ahok flow continually. Moreover, the signing acts and collecting KTP to help him to get a light arrest exist in every district, not only in DKI Jakarta. From overseas either citizen or government also doesn’t agree if he gets heavy punishment. However, Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama suggests he must be obedient on law system in Indonesia because he’s still a leader in Jakarta and also he’s an Indonesian people too and we’re as Indonesian people must respect on law decision. He informs us to keep calm and we should have a peaceful life. I think that Mr. Ahok has applied fourth point of revision of law system in Indonesia. It is development of culture law. Even though he is a victim of unfair of law maintenance and judicature system, but he decides to be obedient on law system in Indonesia. He has been a paragon and good leader for us, Indonesian people.
So, that’s why law system in Indonesia must be revised. Five points above have represented and have given solution for law rules in our country to be better than before. On the basic of that, realization exists if citizenry, apparatus of law upholder, and government are able to maintain the truth of law supremacy in Indonesia.


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